How can we cope with the overwhelm of global challenges? #takethreeforthesea

Posted by James Cummins
Categories: environmental pyschology - Positive Education in schools - PDHPE - Positive psychology interventions - COVID-19 - Character Strength - positive education - Mental health - positive psychology

How can we cope with the overwhelm of global challenges?

One example of positive and proactive coping is Take Three for the Sea. #takethreeforthesea, is a Central Coast inspired social and environmental cause.

Environmental Psychology is the study of the interactions between individuals and their environments.

#takethreeforthesea is an example of the Adaptation theory and can explain how individuals adapt to environmental stimulation. Stimulation occurs in the form of noise, light, temperature, colour or the type of environment such as marine ecosystems or learning spaces.

Individuals adapt differently. For example, climate change stimulation, can be expressed through positive action or maladaptive coping through avoidance, denial and learned helplessness.

Terrigal beach, is a place where I swim, surf and relax. However, population pressures during holiday periods results in visible rubbish.

Applying Adaptation Theory, the sight of the rubbish on the beach, stimulates me to adapt. I feel distressed yet motivated to act. Psychological distress is necessary to illicit behaviour adaptation.

Breaking down the global challenge of plastic pollution in the oceans, by acting locally and picking up three pieces of rubbish each time I visit the beach enables me to feel a sense of agency. Small acts, repeated regularly can make a difference. The #take three for the sea initiative inspires me to adapt and demonstrate and share pro-environmental behaviour.

The belief in climate change, my ability to make a positive difference, helps me view the stimulus and associated distress within my locus of control. Connecting with others #takethreeforthesea acts as a buffer to the stress and normalises the adaptive behaviour of removing someone else’s rubbish.

So next time you see rubbish on the footpath, water way or beach, be sure to take three for positivity and reflect on how you can adapt to the environment in which you live.


For more info on environmental psychology check out:

See you on the other side.



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