Visible wellbeing! Can you kick it?
Question: Where does wellbeing start?
Answer: It starts with me and it starts with you.
It commences with the intentional thought to model or share wellbeing and then this can transform into acts of wellbeing.
Where does wellbeing start at School? It starts with the educator and are we not all we educators?
We all play a role in teaching, leading, coaching, role modeling and providing and examples to our children and the people we meet.
Visible wellbeing at school starts at the school gate or the school crossing. It is visible with a genuine greeting, soft eye contact, a smile, a chat or a warm hand or acknowledgement.
My heart warms when I see a teacher make wellbeing visible with their warm, calm and interested acknowledgement of their student.
Wellbeing is in our visible actions to generate safety and security. We can be responsible for kicking off wellbeing and it can be passed back or played forward. The reciprocal nature of wellbeing is awe-inspiring!
We can all be the change we want to see.
I challenge you to set the intention and act upon the wellbeing basics of a generous greeting and cultivate human connections one smile at a time.
Can you kick it?
Yes you can!