Too busy for mindfulness?
Too busy for mindfulness?
I was reminded of this while kicking the footy at the park. The autumn season means the grass is green and sweet. The sky is a beautiful clear blue and the air is crips and clean. In this moment, I took a breath, slow and deliberate. For this present moment I was acutely mindful of how fortunate I am to be here. I took another breath and then moved on.
Later in the busy-ness day the feeling of being in the park came back to me. A feeling of calmness, warmth and gratitude. In that moment, I smiled.
Have you come across the Smiling Mind App? I am a big fan, it has age related guided meditations (suitable for little ones and older ones) and is free. It is a valuable tool to use to improve mindful well-being.
I use it my personal and professional life and find it a helpful resource when learning to be mindful.
At The Positivity Project we teach the skills of mindfulness to students, teachers and parents.
If you have a moment, check it out and let me know what you think.
Positive Vibes,