These are the days.
In the face of rising levels of poor mental health, it is critical we equip ourselves and the young people in our care with the knowledge & skills to build and broaden levels of resilience.
Teaching and practicing the skills of wellbeing and positive education can and will buffer against the increasing distress in a young person’s life and in turn we can develop our capacities to tolerate stress, feel good and contribute to community.
Traditional education had a strong focus on academic skills and
now a shift towards providing students, parents and teachers with the skills of enablement, self-care and care for others is a top response to the pressure cooker of modern life.
The Positivity Project is passionate in the design and delivery of Positive Education programs, presentations and keynotes built upon wellbeing theory, positive psychology principles and the skills of mindfulness and resilience.
For more on how we can create a bespoke Positive Education Wellbeing programme or presentation, please call or send an email.
We love to listen and create a solution!
Positive regards,