
The Positivity Project. Are you too busy for mindfulness?

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Thanks Ferris, I do agree with you!



I was reminded of this while kicking the footy at the park. The autumn season means the grass is green and sweet.  The sky is  a beautiful clear blue and the air is crips and clean. In this moment, I took a breath, slow and deliberate. For this present moment I was acutely mindful of how fortunate I am to be here. I took another breath and then moved on.

Later in the busy-ness day the feeling of being in the park came back to me. A feeling of calmness, warmth and gratitude. In  that moment, I smiled.

Have you come across the Smiling Mind App? I am a big fan, it has age related guided meditations (suitable for little ones and older ones) and is free. It is a valuable tool to use to improve mindful well-being.

I use it my personal and professional life and find it a helpful resource when learning to be mindful.

At The Positivity Project we teach the skills of mindfulness to students, teachers and parents.

If you have a moment, check it out and let me know what you think.

Positive Vibes,



Positive Education

Positive Education

What do you most want for your child or children?

For, me my answer for my children and the students I work with is Wellbeing.


Learning and practicing the knowledge and skills to self manage and nourish one’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional and mental health is crucial in our world.

Given the high rates of poor mental health in our community and rapid rate of change, we all require the skills to enable positive health to broaden and build our capacity to not only survive life’s challenges, but to thrive and flourish.

Stress, tension and fatigue can deplete our vitality, our ability to function and our ability make meaningful contributions to family and community.

Practicing wellbeing enables us to feel good and function well and through this example we can begin or continue to teach our children how to be healthy, happy and resilient.

Together, with the school and community we can empower each other and our children with the skills of wellbeing.


This is one of the reasons ‘why’, I do what I do.


Positive regards,
